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Useless Information about materials
Why we need strong materials
The Metal Men
Sustainable Metallurgy
One Step from Oxides to Sustainable Bulk Alloys
Goals of Sustainable Metallurgy
Sustainable Metals for the Energy Transition
Carbon Footprint of Green Steel
The Green Steel Deal
Green Steel: the role of scrap
Role of scrap sorting for sustainable steel production
Pellets for Hydrogen-Based Green Steel Making
Green Steel: Direct reduction of iron ore with hydrogen
Green Steel: Reduction of iron ore by hydrogen plasma
Simulation of Hydrogen-based direct reduction
Combining direct and plasma reduction
Sustainable steel production: Strip casting of steel
Green steel making with ammonia
What is red mud and why is it dangerous?
Sustainable metals for electromobility
Green Aluminium
Making Aluminium from Scrap
Digital Image Correlation DIC
Digital Image Correlation for multiphase alloys
Digital Image Correlation and crystal plasticity simulation
Dissipative deformation heating
Atom probe tomography
Atom probe tomography cryogenic UHV prep
Atom probe and atomistic simulations
Correlative atom probe tomography
Atom probe tomography on steels
Atom probe tomography on metallic glass
Field Ion Microscopy - Mapping single atoms
Crystallographic Textures
Grain boundary segregation engineering
Multiscale modeling
Ab initio modeling
DDD: Discrete dislocation dynamics
Shear banding
Linear Complexions
Nanoindentation and pillar compression
Indentation pile-up
Recrystallization and grain growth simulation
Constitutive modeling
Chemistry dependence of constitutive models
Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method
Dislocation-based Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method
Polycrystal mechanics
RVE and homogenization simulation
Sheet forming simulation
Yield Surface Simulation
Large scale crystal plasticity amd ansiotropy simulation
Phase field and Ginzburg-Landau modeling
Joint crystal plasticity and phase field models
Lattice Boltzmann model (LBM)
Steels: Brief introduction
Steels: facts, figures, environment
Bainite steels
Martensite alloys and transformations
Pearlitic steels
QP - Quench - partitioning steels
TRIPLEX steels
Electrical steels (Fe-3%Si)
Soft magnetic alloys
Non-Oriented Electrical Steels
Soft magnetic steels for electromobility
ODS Eurofer steels
Nanolaminate steels
Steels for additive manufacturing
Dual phase steels
Medium Mn steels
Boron in steels
Hydrogen and hydrogen embrittlement
Hydrogen embrittlement of medium Mn steel
Stainless steels
Combinatorial steel design
Ultrafine grained steels
Textures of Steels
Textures of dual phase steels
Metallurgical Alloy Design
Metastability Alloy Design
TWIP steels
TRIP steels
Shape Memory Steels
Combining TWIP and TRIP
Low density and weight reduced steels
High stiffness steels
High strength composites
Thermoelectric half-Heusler alloys
Magnesium alloys
Magnesium applications
Copper alloys and Copper-Nano-Composites
Markets behind Sustainable Copper Metallurgy
The Technology and Metallurgy behind Copper Recycling
Aluminium alloys
Aluminium alloys for aerospace applications
High Entropy Alloys - Overview
Functional and multifunctional high-entropy materials
Magnetic High Entropy Alloys
Metastable High Entropy Alloys
Non-Equiatomic High Entropy Alloys
TWIP High Entropy Alloys
Dual Phase High Entropy Alloys
High Entropy Alloys and Hydrogen
Interstitial High Entropy Alloys
High Entropy Alloys by Text Mining
High Entropy Steels
Bi-directional TRIP High Entropy Alloys
Medium Entropy Alloys
Combinatorial discovery of high-entropy alloys
Titanium alloys
Nickel Alloy 718
Cobalt Alloys
Multilayer Nitride Coatings
Important Alloy Classes
Bauschinger Effect
Laser Additive Manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing with Steel
Segregation Engineering in Additive Manufacturing
Welding Microstructures
Seminconductors Solar Cells
Biological (natural) Materials
Chitin structure
Hierarchical Architecture of Chitin
Polymer Materials
Dramatic material failure
Movies and Animations
RSS feeds MSE Journals
Steel properties and overview Images
Materials Science Image Gallery
Large projects
History of materials
Useful links
Infos for Materials Scientists
Basic structure information on metals
Glossary of materials science
Cantus Mirabilis
Metals in poetry
3D models
Science cartoons
Animated gifs for science
Scientific CV
Journal publications
Review publications
Research projects
3D models (cinema 4D - c4D; 3D Studio - 3ds)
Animation models for materials science teaching
Channel die experiment with polycrystal sample
Cinema 4D model for channel die experiment
Datei [434.9 KB]
3D Studio model of chanlle die experiment
Datei [257.3 KB]
Ladle for casting and teeming
Cinema 4D model ladle for casting
Datei [181.9 KB]
3D Studio model
Datei [2.4 MB]
Hexagonal crystal
Cinema 4D model hexagonal lattice structure
Datei [1.2 MB]
Simple cubic lattice
Cinema 4D model simple cubic lattice
Datei [278.6 KB]
Optical microscope
Cinema 4D model optical microscope
Datei [645.0 KB]