Colloquium talks

Atomic Scale Analysis of Interfaces: Gibbs Adsorption Revisited
Physikalisches Kolloquium Universität Erlangen, 2015
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3. July 2013, University Hamburg-Harburg, Materialwissenschaftliches Kolloquium
Nanostructures in 1 Billon Tons: Interface Engineering in Complex Steels and Biological Nanocomposites
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April 2013: Colloquium University Bremen: Design of nanostructured bulk steels
Developing strong, damage-tolerant, and functional steels shapes the backbone for industrial innovations in manufacturing, energy, transportation, and safety. Examples are Fe-Cr steels for emission-re
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FeSi steel workshop at Max-Planck-Institut, Analysis of Large Goss Grains in FeSi Electrical Steels
This work addresses the role of grain topology on abnormal grain growth in silicon steel. The question was investigated whether the abnormal grain growth of Goss grains during secondary recrystallizat
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Colloquium at University Saarbrücken: Nanostructuring of steels
Nanostructuring of a Million tons: designing nanostructured ultrastrong and ductile steels using quantum mechanics and atom probe tomography
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Colloquium at Chinese Academy of Science: Atomic-scale understanding and design of alloys via quantum mechanics and atom probe tomography
Atomic-scale understanding and design of alloys via quantum mechanics and atom probe tomography; Colloquium Lecture at 18. Jan. 2012 at Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMR CA
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New Steels: Steel research at the Max-Planck Institut in Düsseldorf
DP steel, TWIP steel, middle-Mn steel, weight reduced steel, maraging steels, bainite, ductile martensite, maraging-TRIP steels, TRIP steel, press hardening steels, cutting steels, superplastic steels
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Nanostructuring 1 billion tons: atomic scale experiments and ab-initio simulations for understanding bulk materials
24. May 2012
Physikalischen Kolloquium, Universität Bremen
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GDCh Colloquium at Universität Duisburg-Essen
Grosses Naturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium an der Universität Duisburg-Essen
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Colloquium talk at LMU Munich in Nov 2010
Towards the limits of strength: Design and understanding of ultra high strength steels
Colloquium talk LMU Munich Nov 2010 stee[...]
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Colloquium at University of Bristish Columbia: Weinberg Lecture, UBC Vancouver
Weinberg Lecture on Quantum Mechanics for Steel Design UBC Vancouver
Dierk Raabe Weinberg Lecture UBC.pdf
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Strategies in Steel Design
Industry Strategy Talk on new pathways in Steel Design
MPI Raabe Strategy Steels 2011.pdf
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Colloquium talk at Leoben, Austria - Erich Schmidt Institut
Dierk Raabe crystal mechanics colloquium[...]
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Kolloquium Jubiläum Festakt TU Darmstadt
Dierk Raabe Darmstadt TU Celebration Col[...]
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Ridging and roping in Aluminum (6xxx series)
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Colloquium in Bonn: Structure and properties of the arthropod cuticle
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Microstructure control and mechanical properties of ultrafine grained dual phase steels
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Current work on novel steels at the Max-Planck-Institut
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Heavy Warm Rolling as a New Processing Concept for Ultra Fine Grained Hot Strip Steels
The microstructure and texture development of a medium-carbon steel (0.36% C) during heavy warm deformation (HWD) was studied using scanning electron microscopy and electron back scattering diffractio
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BCC Recrystallization-Textures (Lecture in German)
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Development of the Deformation and Primary Recrystallisation Microstructure of an initially Goss-oriented FeSi Single Crystal
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Strain mapping and crystal plasticity modeling applied to orientation gradients and indents
Colloquium Lecture University Jena, Germany
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Digital Image Correlation applied to Crystal Mechanics
Lecture, RWTH Aachen
Raabe Sachtleber Digital Image correlati[...]
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