In-situ metal matrix composites
U. Hangen, D. Raabe: Acta Metall 43 (1995) 4075-4082, Modelling of the yield strength of a heavily wire drawn Cu-20%Nb composite by use of a modified linear rule of mixtures
Acta Metall Mater Vol 43 (1995) Hangen R[...]
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Acta Metall Mater Vol 43 (1995) Hangen R[...]
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D. Raabe, J. Ball, G. Gottstein: Scripta Metall. 27 (1992) 211-216, Rolling textures of a Cu-20%Nb composite
Scripta Metall 1992 Cu Nb rolling textur[...]
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Scripta Metall 1992 Cu Nb rolling textur[...]
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