Textures of Aluminium
Experimental investigation of plastic grain interaction
Mater Sc Engin A336 (2002) 81 interactio[...]
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Mater Sc Engin A336 (2002) 81 interactio[...]
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Surface roughness in Aluminium (6xxx series)
Acta Materialia 51 (2003) 1539–ridging.p[...]
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Acta Materialia 51 (2003) 1539–ridging.p[...]
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On the dependence of in-grain subdivision and deformation texture of aluminum on grain interaction
Acta Materialia 50 (2002) 4379 grain in[...]
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Acta Materialia 50 (2002) 4379 grain in[...]
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Micromechanics of an Al polycrystal
Aluminium oligo crystal plasticity Acta [...]
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Aluminium oligo crystal plasticity Acta [...]
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Effect of strain hardening on texture development in cold rolled Al–Mg alloy
MSE-A-527 (2010) 1249–1254 texture strai[...]
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MSE-A-527 (2010) 1249–1254 texture strai[...]
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Using texture components in crystal plasticity finite element simulations
Inter J Plasticity 20 (2004) 339 texture[...]
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Inter J Plasticity 20 (2004) 339 texture[...]
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